Genre: Fiction Feature / Comedy
Release: Autumn 2019
Production company: PA Filmproduktion, Dochka Films
Country: Germany and Spain
Director: Manuel Escorihuela, Paola Alvarez
Screenwriter: Paola Alvarez , Manuel Escorihuela
Production Designer: Paola Alvarez , Manuel Escorihuela
Cinematographer: Cristina Amate
MMS is a retro-futuristic comedy recreated in Berlin in the year 420 after the impact of a comet on Earth. This apocalyptic catastrophe destroys the old world, giving birth to a new order where disgregation and prejudices disappeared.
Mathius is a fashion designer, who will discover a treasure containing still some of the magic proper of the 80'. Spreading in the new world doubts about the "Status Quo", and finding out the actual reasons for "the catastrophe" to happen.
MMS counts on multidisciplinary artists as a cast, like Matilde Colinas, Marta Bassols, Cecilia Bartolomé, Mit Borrás, Jorge Segura, or Jone San Martín. Written and directed by Paola Álvarez and Manu Escorihuela. MMS is the second feature of this multifaceted filmmaker, after "Der Nowak".
This film shapes itself as an unconventional arthouse cinema creation, full of highly symbolic content, and a fascinating underlined critique of society.